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دانلود رایگان روزنامه مجلات و کتاب انگلیسی به روز کمیک دوره های آموزشی مقالات روزنامه های معروف و معتبر جهانی

دانلود رایگان روزنامه وال استریت ژورنال Wall Street Journal Saturday May 13, 2023

روزنامه وال استریت ژورنال یکی از معروف‌ترین و مهم‌ترین روزنامه‌های اقتصادی و نشریات مالی است. این روزنامه که در نیویورک منتشر می‌شود، به عنوان یک رسانه ملی و بین‌المللی شناخته می‌شود و به موضوعات مربوط به اقتصاد، مالی، کسب و کار، سیاست و اخبار جهانی پرداخت می‌کند. وال استریت ژورنال بیشتر برای پوشش صحیح، دقیق و بی‌طرف اخبار اقتصادی و سیاسی در سراسر جهان معروف است و از نظر قدرت و اعتبار به عنوان یکی از بهترین و بزرگ‌ترین روزنامه‌ها در جهان شناخته می‌شود. این روزنامه بستری فراهم کرده است تا افراد و سازمان‌ها بتوانند اطلاعات مهم مربوط به جهان اقتصاد، مالی و سیاسی را رصد و دنبال کنند.

Makers of Consumer Staples Stay Strong

 Demand proves resilient despite inflation

تولیدکنندگان کالاهای مصرفی قوی ماندند
تقاضا علیرغم تورم انعطاف پذیر است

ترجمه متن مقاله در ادامه

Makers of everyday household goods say consumers are sticking with them despite double-digit price increases. A raft of American and European companies producing packaged food and other staples such as tissues and cleaning products have reported results over the past week or so, and the results are encouraging. The latest was Colgate-Palmolive on Friday, which said organic sales—a key industry metric that strips out the impacts of currency fluctuations, acquisitions and divestitures—increased 10% from a year earlier in the first quarter. Analysts had expected the consumer-products company to log growth of 6.9%, according to VisibleAlpha. Colgate’s overall organic pricing was 12% higher, meaning underlying sales volume fell 2%. But that is an encouraging figure. It suggests that elasticities, or the degree to which consumers respond to price increases by reducing purchases, were mild in the first quarter, and indeed improving: In the fourth quarter, Colgate’s sales volume fell 4% on 12.5% higher prices. The picture was much the same across the sector. At Unilever, the European consumer giant behind brands such as Dove soap and Hellmann’s mayonnaise, sales volume was down just 0.2% on 10.7% higher prices. At Coca-Cola, volumes were actually up 1% even as pricing was up 11%, delivering 12% organic sales growth. “Every quarterly result feels the same in Q1,” remarked Bernstein analyst Bruno Monteyne, who covers European staples companies, in a note. There are differences between how the various companies report sales metrics, and differences between accounting standards used by European and American companies. But using broadly comparable figures, for nine major companies on both sides of the Atlantic that have reported results since April 21, pricing was up 11.3% from a year earlier while volumes fell just 1.8%. This suggests consumers worldwide have been able to absorb price increases, and have yet to trade down significantly to cheaper options such as private-label products. Tight labor markets and increasing wages, especially in the U.S., are likely a factor supporting consumers at the low end of the income spectrum who might be expected to adjust shopping habits first. What is more, private-label competitors have been forced to raise prices as well in response to cost to inflation, companies said. There were some exceptions. In a conference call with analysts, Unilever said elasticities have been higher for highly discretionary foods such as ice cream. As was the case last year, elasticities were generally higher for household goods than packaged food, perhaps in part because the perceived quality gap with private label isn’t as great. The two companies with the biggest volume declines were Kleenex-maker Kimberly-Clark at 5%, and Reckitt Benckiser, the U.K. company that produces Lysol cleanser, at 4.5%. But in both cases the pace of decline moderated significantly from the fourth quarter. This is encouraging because it suggests investors are adjusting to sticker shock after a lag. And, in the case of Lysol, sales were coming off an inflated base from the first quarter last year, when the Omicron Covid-19 variant was prevalent. On average, shares prices of the nine companies are up around 7% so far this year—in line with the S&P 500’s performance. The four major European companies in the group have fared better, climbing by an average around 12%, perhaps because they faced lower expectations going into the year. Of course, should a U.S. or global recession come that hits consumer incomes, a different set of challenges will emerge for these companies. However, recent track records suggest their stocks are still fulfilling their traditional role as a source of resilience in investor portfolios

افزایش فعالیت حفاری های چینی

این اقدامات به منظور فشار برای امنیت انرژی، افزایش تجارت با کشورهای تحت تحریم ایالات متحده انجام می شود

ترجمه متن در ادامه

Chinese Drillers Step Up Activity

Moves are put of push for energy security, rising trade with U.S.- sanctioned nations

China’s biggest oil companies are increasing their drilling at home and signing big deals overseas, part of a push for energy security that has also led to rising trade with countries that are subject to U.S. sanctions. China’s demand for crude oil is likely to hit 15.6 million barrels a day this year, around 5% higher than last year, according to a forecast from the Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries. The country is the second-largest consumer of oil after the U.S., so any change in its behavior could have a big impact on global prices. The reopening of China’s economy after recurring lockdowns and tight pandemic restrictions has allowed people to travel freely again and let factories reopen, leading to more demand for crude oil. But Beijing is increasingly seeking alternatives in the global oil market, including expanding its drilling at home and signing deals with foreign countries including Brazil, Qatar and Afghanistan. China’s domestic oil companies produced 18.2 million tons of crude in March, the highest level since December 2014, according to the National Bureau of Statistics. Also in March, Cnooc Ltd., one of the largest state-owned oil majors, said it discovered an oil field in the Bohai Sea, in the country’s northeast, that would add a hundred million tons of reserves to China’s oil supply. China records its crude production and imports in metric tons, a weight measure. The conversion to barrels, a volume measure more commonly used around the world, isn’t straightforward because it depends on various factors including the density and composition of the oil. The emphasis on domestic production partly reflects China’s nervousness about energy security, which became a strategic priority for many countries following Russia’s in vasion of Ukraine in February 2022. Zhang Jianhua, head of China’s National Energy Administration, said in mid-April that “increasing oil and gas exploration and development, while increasing reserves and production” was crucial to China’s energy security. China’s strategic petroleum reserves are part of this push for greater energy security. The country topped up its reserves during the middle of the Covid-19 lockdown, when oil prices were low, said Ricardo Leiman, chief investment officer and founding partner of KLI Asset Management, a commodities-focused firm. But China has never published how much oil it has in reserve. “In an increasingly polarized world, security of crude supply is paramount,” said Kelvin Yew, a senior oil trader at Ocean Leonid Investments, a hedge fund. He said China is always motivated to import oil, as there is a big gap between the country’s own output and its refining demand. “Increasing domestic production helps, but the shortfall versus demand is huge,” he added. In March, China imported 52.3 million tons of crude oil, the most since June 2020, according to its General Administration of Customs. Analysts expect imports to meet about 70% of China’s total oil demand this year. “China’s domestic demand for oil is going to grow ahead of its ability to increase the domestic supply,” said KLI’s Mr. Leiman. China also has struck deals with countries that are subject to Western sanctions, including Russia and Iran. That helps it buy oil at a discount to global market prices. After the Trump administration pulled out of a nuclear agreement and reimposed sanctions on Iran, China became a crucial source of oil revenue for the country.

Musk Outlines Plans for Starship

free free free · 1402/02/11 21:53 ·

ماسک طرح هایی را برای کشتی ستاره ای ترسیم می کند. اسپیس ایکس حدود 2 میلیارد دلار برای موشک هزینه می کند و زیرساخت های سکوی پرتاب را اضافه می کند.

The liftoff of SpaceX’s Starship shortly before a flight-termination system destroyed the rocket as it began to lose altitude last month. پرتاب استارشیپ اسپیس ایکس کمی قبل از اینکه یک سیستم پایان پرواز موشک را در حالی که ماه گذشته شروع به از دست دادن ارتفاع کرد، نابود کرد.

ترجمه متن انگلیسی در ادامه

SpaceX anticipates spending about $2 billion on its Starship rocket program this year and might not need to raise additional outside funding as that work unfolds, according to founder and Chief Executive Elon Musk. Mr. Musk outlined SpaceX’s plans on Saturday during an audio chat on Twitter about Starship, the powerful rocket the company launched for the first time last month. The inaugural test mission ended after about four minutes when a flight-termination system on the vehicle destroyed it as the rocket began to tumble. Space Exploration Technologies Corp., the formal name for the Hawthorne, Calif.-based SpaceX, is privately held and doesn’t disclose financial information. The company has raised outside funds from investors over the years, including from Alphabet Inc.’s Google and Founders Fund. SpaceX has been developing the rocket, which stands nearly 400 feet tall when fully stacked, for several years. In addition to satellite launches, it is designed to be able to handle deep-space missions, including a high-profile National Aeronautics and Space Administration astronaut moon landing planned for 2025. Despite the expected Starship spending, the company likely won’t need to seek new funds, Mr. Musk indicated. “To the best of my knowledge, we do not need to raise incremental funding for SpaceX,” he said. The company will continue to provide opportunities to let employees sell their shares, he added. Last year SpaceX was valued at around $140 billion during a period when employees could sell shares, The Wall Street Journal reported. SpaceX is now working to put additional ground infrastructure at the company’s launchpad in Texas, located adjacent to the Gulf of Mexico and east of the city of Brownsville. The launch of Starship on April 20 spread debris over 385 acres of SpaceX and statepark land and deposited materials as far as 6½ miles from the launch site, environmental regulators have said. Chunks of concrete were thrown from the site. Mr. Musk said the company was moving ahead to build a new system at the launchpad that uses steel reinforcements and water, and is meant to tamp down the kind of plume the first flight generated. SpaceX thought the pad would erode during that launch, but didn’t think concrete would be smashed, he said, citing data collected during an earlier engine test. “We did not think that would have occurred” based on the earlier engine test, he said. “If we thought that would occur, then we would have waited for the steel.” SpaceX won’t be permitted to operate another Starship launch until the Federal Aviation Administration, which regulates commercial space launches, signs off. Mr. Musk also said Saturday that the company needed to conduct fresh work on the rocket’s flight-termination system. Such systems are installed on rockets as key safety features, allowing the vehicles to be destroyed during flights. Starship’s system took too long after it was activated, he said. He added that the company has the manufacturing capability to continue producing hardware for Starship as it works to fly the vehicle to orbit. “We do have a production line that if it takes us 10 flights, we’ll do it,” he said.

Building Boom Sours Hope for Rate Cut

Building Boom Sours Hope for Rate Cut

free free free · 1402/02/11 17:58 ·

Record employment in construction sector undermines bets that the Fed will soon pivot

The building boom has helped push unemployment to around its lowest level in more than 50 years. That is perplexing investors who want to see the Federal Reserve switch course on interest rates. Construction spending and employment have risen to records this year, boosted by government outlays for infrastructure, a domestic manufacturing renaissance and a wave of apartment building that got off to a slow start during the pandemic when prices for building materials, such as lumber, were sky high. Construction companies with jobs ranging from airport overhauls to bathroom renovations said they have enough work booked to maintain payrolls—for years in some cases. Even home builders, which slowed down last year when rates began to rise, are ramping up into spring. The persistent strength in a sector that is usually among the first to suffer job loss when borrowing costs rise is undermining investor hopes that the Fed’s aggressive interest-rate increases would quickly slow inflation and rejuvenate the stock market. 


دانلود رایگان روزنامه وال استریت ژورنال Wall Street Journal Monday May 1, 2023

دانلود رایگان روزنامه وال استریت ژورنال Wall Street Journal Monday May 1, 2023

Epstein’s Private Calendar

Reveals Prominent Names

BY KHADEEJA SAFDAR                                      deputy secretary of state, the      of Bard College, invited Ep-      2008 for a sex crime involving AND DAVID BENOIT                                             documents show. They first      stein, who brought a group of      a teenage girl and was regis-met in Washington and then      young female guests, to the      tered as a sex offender. The
The nation’s spy chief, a      Mr. Burns visited Epstein’s      campus. Noam Chomsky, a      documents,      which      include longtime college when president and      townhouse in Manhattan. professor, author and political      thousands of pages of emails top women in finance. The cir- Kathryn Ruemmler, a White      activist, was scheduled to fly      and schedules from 2013 to cle of people who associated      House counsel under President      with Epstein to have dinner at      2017, haven’t been previously with Jeffrey Epstein years af-      Barack Obama, had dozens of      Epstein’s     Manhattan     town-      reported.
ter he was a convicted sex of-      meetings with Epstein in the      house in 2015. The documents don’t reveal fender is wider than previ-      years after her White House None of their names appear      the purpose of most of the ously reported, according to a      service and before she became      in Epstein’s now-public “black      meetings. The Wall Street trove of documents that in-      a top lawyer at Goldman Sachs      book” of contacts or in the      Journal couldn’t verify clude his schedules. Group Inc. in 2020. He also      public flight logs of passen-      whether       every scheduled
William Burns, director of      planned for her to join a 2015      gers who traveled on his pri-      meeting took place.
the Central Intelligence      trip to Paris and a 2017 visit      vate jet. The documents show Most of those people told Agency since 2021, had three      to Epstein’s private island in      that Epstein arranged multiple      the Journal they visited Ep-meetings scheduled with Ep-      the Caribbean. meetings with each of them      stein for reasons related to his stein in 2014, when he was Leon Botstein, the president      after he had served jail time in                      PleaseturntopageA10

روزنامه وال استریت ژورنال Wall Street Journal April 29, 2023

وال‌استریت ژورنال (The Wall Street Journal) یکی از محبوب‌

ترین روزنامه‌های اقتصادی و تجاری دنیاست که در نیویورک منتشر می‌شود. این روزنامه در سال ۱۸۸۹ تاسیس شد و در حال حاضر به شکل یک شرکت بزرگ با نام Dow Jones & Company مستقر در نیویورک فعالیت می‌کند.

وال‌استریت ژورنال به خاطر مطالب اقتصادی و تجاری‌اش شناخته شده است و همچنین شامل اخبار مهم سیاسی، اجتماعی، فرهنگی و خبرهای جهانی است. این روزنامه به عنوان یکی از معتبرترین منابع خبری در حوزه اقتصاد و تجارت برای بخش‌های مختلف از اقتصاددانان، سرمایه‌گذاران، معامله‌گران و حتی عموم مردم شناخته می‌شود.

علاوه بر نسخه چاپی، وال‌استریت ژورنال دارای نسخه آنلاین و اپلیکیشن موبایل برای دسترسی آسان‌تر خوانندگان به خبرهای آن است. از ویژگی‌های وال‌استریت ژورنال می‌توان به گزارش‌های صنعتی، آخرین اخبار فناوری، سیاست، ورزش  و نظرسنجی‌های مختلف اشاره کرد.


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Wall Street Journal Saturday April 29, 2023